This page highlights information and articles published in the Librarianship Studies & Information Technology about Library Cataloging and Metadata.
SCOPE: On cataloging and metadata. Library Cataloguing Codes--RDA and AACR-II. Library Cataloguing--Cannons and Principles. Bibliographic Records--International Standards--ISBD, MARC21, BIBFRAME, Dublin Core, Linked Data, International Cataloguing Principles, Etc. Indexing--Pre-coordinate,Post-coordinate.
SCOPE: On cataloging and metadata. Library Cataloguing Codes--RDA and AACR-II. Library Cataloguing--Cannons and Principles. Bibliographic Records--International Standards--ISBD, MARC21, BIBFRAME, Dublin Core, Linked Data, International Cataloguing Principles, Etc. Indexing--Pre-coordinate,Post-coordinate.
- Summary of Important Articles
- List of All Articles
- List of Quizzes
- Cataloging - Cataloging or Library Cataloging is the process of creating and maintaining bibliographic and authority records of the library catalog, the database of books, serials, sound recordings, moving images, cartographic materials, computer files, e-resources etc. that are owned by a library. The catalog may be in tangible form, such as a card catalog or in electronic form, such as online public access catalog (OPAC). The process of cataloging involves two major activities, viz. Descriptive Cataloging and Subject Cataloging. In Descriptive Cataloging we describe details of library resources, such as the name of creator(s), contributor(s), titles, edition, publication, distribution, date, physical description, series etc. Two popular standards for Descriptive Cataloging are Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR) and its successor Resource Description and Access (RDA). Subject cataloging involves subject analysis of the resource and assignment of classification numbers using schemes such as Library of Congress Classification (LCC) or Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and providing subject headings using schemes such as Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).
- Best Quotes About Libraries Librarians and Library and Information Science - Top 24 Most Beautiful Quotations About Libraries Librarians Cataloging Classification and Library and Information Science Topics.
- Statement of International Cataloguing Principles - The principles in this statement are intended to guide the development of cataloguing codes and the decisions that cataloguers make. They apply to bibliographic and authority data, and consequently to current library catalogues, bibliographies and other datasets created by libraries. They aim to provide a consistent approach to descriptive and subject cataloguing of bibliographic resources of all kinds ... ... ...
- Access Point - A name, term, code, heading, word, phrase etc., a unit of information representing a specific entity that can serve as a search key in information retrieval, under which a library catalog or bibliographic database may be searched and library materials may be identified and retrieved ... ... ...
- Authority Control - Authority Control is a process that organizes bibliographic information in library catalogs by using a single, distinct spelling of a name (heading) or a subject for each topic, called as authority record. Authority Record is a record which gives the authoritative form (the form selected for a heading) of a personal name, corporate name, family name, place name, uniform or preferred title, series title, subject, etc. in the library catalog or the file of bibliographic records, and are listed in an authority file containing headings of library items ... ... ...
- Authority Record - Authority Record is a record which gives the authoritative form (the form selected for a heading) of a personal name, corporate name, family name, place name, uniform or preferred title, series title, subject, etc. in the library catalog or the file of bibliographic records, and are listed in an authority file containing headings of library items. To ensure consistency, an authority record is created for each authorized heading (authorized access point) for a proper name or a subject, etc. An authority record is made when a heading is established, i.e., authorized for use as the main entry (preferred title and, if appropriate, the authorized access point for the creator), an added entry, or subject entry, for the first time, while cataloging of a library item. Authority record may be in a printed or machine-readable form ... ... ...
- ISO 8601 - ISO 8601 describes an internationally accepted way to represent dates and times using numbers. It was issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was first published in 1988. The purpose of this standard is to provide an unambiguous and well-defined method of representing dates and times, so as to avoid misinterpretation of numeric representations of dates and times, particularly when data are transferred between countries with different conventions for writing numeric dates and times ... ... ... ...
- Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) - The Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) is a draft date-time standard initiated by the Library of Congress with the intention of creating more explicit date formatting and addressing date types that are not currently regulated by ISO 8601. The date time format ISO 8601 describes a number of date/time features, some of which are redundant and/or not very useful, on the other hand, there are a number of date and time format conventions in common use that are not included in ISO 8601 ... ... ... ...
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) is a detailed set of cataloging rules used in describing and providing access points for library materials. AACR rules are used by catalogers for producing the descriptive metadata and name-and-title access points in a catalog record for a resource. The first edition of AACR was published in 1967 and the second edition (AACR2) appeared in 1978; later revisions of the second edition (AACR2R) were published in 1988, 1998, and 2002 ... ... ...
- Resource - A work, expression, manifestation or item. The term includes not only an individual entity but also aggregates and components of such entities (e.g., three sheet maps, a single slide issued as part of a set of twenty, an article in an issue of a scholarly journal). It may refer to a tangible entity (e.g., a book, a DVD, an audiocassette, serials, sound recordings, moving images, cartographic materials, pamphlets, reports, newspapers, music scores, microfilm, microfiche etc. that are owned by a library) or an intangible entity (e.g., a website, blog, computer files, e-resources) ... ... ...
- Resource Description - Resource Description is a set of data recording and identifying an entity. It is the process or the product of creating a bibliographic or metadata record (a surrogate) or a brief representation containing essential attributes describing an information resource, based on established standards, such as Resource Description and Access (RDA) or Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2) ... ... ...
- Resource Access - That portion of cataloging in which access points are selected and formulated by a cataloger.
- Resource Description and Access - RDA stands for “Resource Description and Access” and is the title of the standard, that is the successor to AACR2. Resource Description and Access (RDA) is a standard for descriptive cataloging providing instructions and guidelines on formulating bibliographic data. Resource Description & Access (RDA) is a set of cataloging instructions based on FRBR and FRAD, for producing the description and name and title access points representing a resource. RDA offers libraries the potential to change significantly how bibliographic data is created and used ... ... ...
- RDA Toolkit - RDA Toolkit is an integrated, browser-based, online product that allows users to interact with a collection of cataloging-related documents and resources including RDA: Resource Description and Access. RDA Toolkit is published by the RDA Copyright Holders, viz. the American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, Facet Publishing, the publishing arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.² ALA Publishing is responsible for the day-to-day management and development of RDA Toolkit ... ... ...
- RDA Core Elements - Core elements in Resource Description & Access (RDA) are minimum elements required for describing resources. Core elements are a new feature of RDA which allowed for certain metadata elements to be identified as “required” in the cataloging process. The assignment of core status is based on attributes mandatory for a national level record, as documented in the FRBR/FRAD modules. At a minimum, a bibliographic description should include all the required core elements that are applicable. Core-ness is identified at the element level. Some elements are always core (if applicable and the information is available); some are core only in certain situations. Core elements are identified in two ways within RDA. The first is that all core elements are discussed in general, and listed as a group, in the sub-instructions of "RDA 0.6: Core Elements". In the separate chapters, the core elements are also identified individually by the label “CORE ELEMENT” at the beginning of the instructions for each element. They are clearly labeled in light blue at each core instruction in RDA Toolkit. If the status of an element as core depends upon the situation, an explanation appears after the “Core element” label.
- RDA Alternatives - Alternative guidelines and instructions in Resource Description and Access (RDA) provide an alternative approach to what is specified in the immediately preceding guideline or instruction. A cataloger can choose to follow the rule or the alternative.
- RDA Options - In Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloging rules there are a number of guidelines and instructions that are labeled as options. Options appear in two forms in RDA, viz. Optional additions and Optional omissions. ... ... ... ...
- RDA Exceptions - In Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloging rules there are a number of guidelines and instructions that are labeled as exceptions. Some instructions are scoped as being applicable only to certain types of resources (such as serials). An exception is an instruction that takes precedence over the immediately preceding instruction and applies to a specific type of resource, condition, etc. ... ... ... ...
- MARC 21 - MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging) standards are a set of digital formats for the description of items catalogued by libraries, such as books. Working with the Library of Congress, American computer scientist Henriette Avram developed MARC in the 1960s to create records that could be read by computers and shared among libraries ... ... ...
- BIBFRAME - BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) is a data model for bibliographic description. BIBFRAME was designed to replace the MARC standards, and to use linked data principles to make bibliographic data more useful both within and outside the library community ... ... ...
- Z39.50 - Z39.50 is a national and international standard defining a protocol for computer-to-computer information retrieval. It is a client–server, application layer communications protocol for searching and retrieving information from a database over a TCP/IP computer network. It is covered by ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50, and ISO standard 23950. The National Information Standards Organization of the United States (NISO) relating to libraries begin with Z39. To use Z39.50, you will need either special software or have an ILS with Z39.50 capabilities. Z39.50 acts like a “back door” into a library catalog. In order to download another library’s records, that library has to allow Z39.50 access to its catalog. If it does, though, there is no fee to pay the library providing the record ... ... ...
- Cataloger's Reference Directory - 100+ Most Important Cataloging Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians and Catalogers. Cataloger's Reference Directory is a collection of top free and paid cataloging and bibliographic metadata resources. It includes sources for descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control, classification, subject headings, subject indexing, and metadata description.
- Resource Description and Access (RDA) Cataloging Resources - Most Important Resource Description and Access (RDA) Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians and Catalogers. Cataloger's Reference Directory is a collection of top free and paid cataloging and bibliographic metadata resources ... ...
- Citation Indexing - A citation index is an ordered list of cited articles along with a list of citing articles. The cited article is identified as the reference and the citing article as the source. The index is prepared utilising the association of ideas existing between the cited and the citing articles, as the fact is that whenever a recent paper cites a previous paper there always exists a relation of ideas, between the two papers ... ... ...
- Other Title Information - Other Title Information is information (words or phrases, e.g. a subtitle) that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, the title proper of a resource. Other Title Information is a statement appearing on the item that provides additional information about the nature of the item, its purpose, scope, form (e.g., a biography), genre (e.g., a mystery novel), contents (e.g., conference papers) or subject. It may include any phrase appearing with a title proper that is indicative of the character, contents, etc., of the resource or the motives for, or occasion of, its production, publication, etc. In the bibliographic record, Other Title Information is transcribed following the whole or part of the title proper or parallel title to which it pertains. If the information is lengthy, it may be given in a note or may be abridged ... ... ...
- Place of Publication - A place of publication is the place associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a resource or document. There are the special set of rules for transcription and recording of the name of the publisher in library cataloging standards, e.g., RDA rules for the place of publication is given in chapter 2 (RDA Rule 2.8.2) of Resource Description and Access (RDA). In Anglo-American Cataloging Rules 2nd edition (AACR2), rules for the date of publication, distribution etc. for books are given in chapter 2 (2.4C).
- Date of Publication - A date of publication is a date associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a document. The date of publication is the year in which the edition, revision, etc., described in the edition area was published. If there is no edition area, the date of the first publication of the edition to which the item belongs is considered the publication date ... ... ...
- Descriptive Cataloging - Descriptive Cataloging includes recording the attributes of a library item, such as the name of author(s), contributor(s), title, edition, publisher, distributor, date, the number of pages, its size, name of series, etc. Descriptive Cataloging enables the user to find and identify a book, by the name of the author, the title, variant titles, etc. ... ... ...
- Name Authority Record
- Pseudonym
- Arlene G. Taylor
- Ross Atkinson Lifetime Achievement Award
- Outstanding Collaboration Citation
- Edward Swanson Memorial Best of LRTS Award
- Metadata management in times of uncertainty
- “MARC Must Die” 15 Years On
- Only librarians like to search, Everyone else likes to find
- IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM)
- Item
- Manifestation
- Work
- Metadata
- Charles Ammi Cutter’s Objects of the Catalogue (or Objectives of the Catalog)
- Expression
- ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award
- Cataloging Examples
- Terry Reese Jr. selected for Margaret Mann Citation
- Relationship Designator
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR)
- RDA Toolkit
- Best Quotes About Libraries Librarians and Library and Information Science
- Who Needs a Librarian and Cataloger When You Have Google and Internet?
- Resource Description and Access (RDA) Cataloging Resources
- Cataloger's Reference Directory
- Statement of International Cataloguing Principles
- Z39.50
- MARC 21
- Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
- PRECIS (Preserved Context Index System)
- What are the Benefits of RDA?
- Resource Description and Access
- POPSI (Postulate-Based Permuted Subject Indexing)
- Chain Indexing
- Pre-Coordinate Indexing Systems
- Vocabulary Control
- Problems of Natural Language in Indexing
- Indexing Languages
- Citation Indexing
- Key-Term Alphabetical (KEYTALPHA)
- Keyword Augmented in Context (KWAC)
- Keyword Out of Context (KWOC)
- Keyword in Context (KWIC) Indexing
- Title-Based Indexing
- Index
- Other Title Information
- Title Proper
- Title
- Access Point
- Resource Access
- Resource Description
- Resource
- Authority Control
- Subject Cataloging
- Descriptive Cataloging
- RDA Cataloging News and RDA Bibliography
- Subject Indexing Process
- Extended Date Time Format EDTF
- ISO 8601
- RDA Exceptions
- RDA Options
- RDA Alternatives
- RDA Core Elements
- Cataloging
- Authority Record
- Publisher's Name
- Date of Publication
- Place of Publication
- The Role of Information Organizations in Commodifying the Kings of the Fairies
- Which of the following FRBR groups of entities describes the terms "concept, object, event, place?" [A) Group 1: Products of intellectual and artistic endeavor (B) Group 2: Those responsible for the intellectual and artistic content (C) Group 3: Subjects of works]
- Identify the odd one out : [OPTIONS: (1) Reference entry (2) Centred entry (3) Analytical entry (4) Added entry]
- Who criticized the concept of main entry as ‘a relic of outdated technology’?
- Metadata is structured information that describes resources [True or False]
- Complete Cutter's "objects" of the catalog [Fill in the Blanks. To enable a person to ________ a resource of which the ________, title, or ________ is known. To show what the library has by a given ________, on a given ________, or in a given ________ of literature.]
- The semantic of something is the [(a) structure of something (b) meaning of something (c) appearance of something (d) none of the above]
- Copy Cataloging Using RDA Quiz 1
- Which cataloging code was used to create the authority 1XX below?
- Which cataloging code was used to create the authority record 1XX below?
- The new MARC fields are optional for use in RDA authority records
- RDA provides instructions for which of the following relationship types?
- Which of these are the ways in which a work can be 'expressed'?
- Which of these are required fields, replacing the General Material Designator (GMD) used under AACR22? [(a) 336: Content Type (b) 337: Media Type (c) 338: Carrier Type (d) All of the above]
- The RDA Toolkit is an integrated browser-based online product that includes a collection of cataloging-related documents and resources [(a) True (b) False]
- What does the acronym FRBR stand for? [(a) Functional Requirements for Better Records (b) Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (c) Functional Records for Big Research Libraries]
- What is FRBR? [(a) A content designation tool (b) A data model (c) A cataloging code or standard (d) All of above (e) None of above]
- How many entity groups does FRBR describe? [(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 4]
- What are the names of FRBR Group 1 entities [(a) Names, Families, and Corporate bodies (b) Entities, Attributes, and Relationships (c) Places, Events, and Concepts (d) Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item]
- Which entity defines a distinct intellectual or artistic creation? [(a) Manifestation (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Item]
- What initials are used to describe the 4 elements of FRBR Group 1 entities? [(a) WEMI (b) FISO (c) FICJ]
- The term Expression, as used in FRBR/RDA, is [(a) The arrangement of text, images, etc., in a resource (b) The intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination (c) The means used to convey information or artistic content]
- Which entity defines the physical embodiment of an expression of a work? [(a) Item (b) Expression (c) Manifestation (d) Work]
- Of the following International Cataloguing Principles, which comes first and should always be kept in mind when providing bibliographic descriptions and access points? [(a) Accuracy (b) Representation (c) Convenience of the user (d) Economy (e) Consistency and standardization]
- The term Item, as used in FRBR/RDA, is [(a) A physical medium, in which data, sound, images, etc., are stored (b) A single exemplar or instance of a manifestation (c) An exact copy of the content of a resource made by mechanical or electronic means]
- Which of the following is defined as an "abstract" FRBR entity? [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Dataset (d) Object]
- Which of the following is defined as a "concrete" FRBR entity? [(a) Expression (b) Item (c) Carrier (d) Work]
- Which FRBR entity describes a French translation of: The Lord of the rings? [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Manifestation]
- Which FRBR entity describes a DVD of the movie version of Gone with the Wind? [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Manifestation]
- Which FRBR entity describes Lords of the rings by J.R.R. Tolkien? [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Manifestation]
- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate FRBR Group 1 entities [(1) When a(n) ________ is realized, the (2) resulting ________ of the (3) ________ my be physically (4) embodied in a(n) ________, in many instances as a single physical (5) object called a(n) ________.]
- Which of these are the four FRBR User Tasks [(a) Obtain (b) Identify (c) Select (d) Find (e) Justify]
- Which of these are three components in an entity relationship model [(a) Attributes (b) Identifiers (c) Entities (d) Relationships]
- Attributes of relationships associated with the FRBR entities Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item are the conceptual data elements underpinning: [(a) AACR2 (b) RDA (c) ISBD (d) MARC format]
- How is Attribute defined in FRBR model? [(a) A set of characteristics which serve as the means for users to identify a particular entity (b) A set of physical characteristics which help users identify a particular entity (c) Assigned identifiers and contextual information which help users identify a particular entity]
- Which of the following attributes identify the FRBR entity Work? Choose one or more that apply. [(a) Title (b) Intended audience (c) Form of work (d) Date of work (e) Language]
- Which of the following FRBR entities is identified by the attribute characterizing medium of performance for which a musical work was originally intended? [(a) Item (b) Expression (c) Work (d) Manifestation]
- Which of the following FRBR entities is identified by the attribute characterizing coordinates for a cartographic image or object? [(a) Item (b) Expression (c) Work (d) Manifestation]
- The language in which Pride and Prejudice was written is: [(a) An attribute of Manifestation (b) An attribute of Item (c) An attribute of Work (d) An attribute of Expression]
- Which of the following FRBR entities is identified by the attributes characterizing regularity and frequency of issue for a serial? [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Manifestation (d) Expression]
- A performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony is an attribute of which of the following FRBR entities: [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Manifestation]
- The designation of volume/issue/date of a serial (e.g., volume 1, number 1 (September 2010) identifies which of the following FRBR entities: [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Manifestation (d) Expression]
- A Statement of Responsibility identifies which of the following FRBR entities: [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Manifestation (d) Expression]
- An edition/issue statement (such as Voyager version 7.2) identifies which of the following FRBR entities? [(a) Manifestation (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Item]
- Publisher/Distributor/Manufacturer are attributes of which of the following FRBR entities: [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Manifestation (d) Expression]
- Is the webcast (physical carrier) of Barbara Tillett's presentation "FRBR: Things you should know but are afraid to ask" an attribute of the FRBR entity Expression? [(a) Yes (b) No]
- An LC bar code as an identifier is an attribute of which of the following FRBR entities: [(a) Item (b) Work (c) Manifestation (d) Expression]
- An autographed copy from the Library's Walt Whitman Collection identifies which of the FRBR entities: [(a) Manifestation (b) Work (c) Expression (d) Item]
- In FRBR terms, which of the following FRBR entities represent those responsible for the intellectual or artistic content, the physical production and dissemination, or the custodianship of the entities of the Work, Expression, Manifestation or Item (Group 1 entities)? Choose one or more that apply. [(a) Person (b) Corporate Body (c) Individual (d) Organization (e) Family (f) All of the above]