R. K. Sharma (full name, Ravinder Kumar Sharma; born January 1, 1956) is a librarian from India. He is currently working as Librarian in the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan (UNIC), New Delhi. He is a knowledge management expert with in-depth knowledge about the UN system and its various online information resources. He is a focal point for providing necessary information support to the public at large on the United Nations and global contemporary issues. Dr. R. K. Sharma is also a nodal expert on the digital library for the UN System in India. Keeping the spotlight on the library profession has been Dr. Sharma's key motto. His passion has driven him to intensely network among libraries and library professionals. In these highly challenging and charged times, he is a firm believer that the use of new and emerging technologies can assist libraries to claim their rightful space in the sun.
Besides having an extraordinary record of serving top academic and research libraries, he has been associated with key national and international professional organizations working for the growth and development of the libraries in the country. Currently, he is serving as the President of the Delhi Library Association. His strong organizational skills and ability to integrate receptive changes have enabled him to achieve his persistent goal of ensuring financial stability for libraries and promoting their overall growth and development. As an active senior professional, Dr. R. K. Sharma has served on many selection committees as a library expert. He has delivered lectures at various platforms, organized many seminars, conferences and workshops and chaired several technical sessions at the national and international seminars, conferences, and workshops. Dr. Sharma has contributed many research papers in refereed journals and edited many books. His interests are library & information management, computerization of library information services, web-based library services. He is always keen to explore further means of co-operation by which he could contribute to the information society at large.
- Early Life and Education
- Academic Career
- United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan
- Publications
- Books (Authored/Edited/Compiled)
- Articles Contributed to Journals, Conferences, and Seminars
- Papers Contributed to Books
- Seminars Organized/Collaborated
- Invited as Chair/Speaker in Seminars/Conferences
- Memberships
- Life Member
- Member
- Associate Member
- Other Professional Activities
- Professional Positions (Current)
- Professional Positions (Past)
- Nomination to Important Committees
- Countries Visited
- Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Grants
- Contact Information
- References
Dr. R. K. Sharma was born on January 1, 1956, in Bijwasan, New Delhi, India. He obtained his Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Library & Information Science from the Doctor H. S. Gour Central University (Sagar) and has undergone several advanced training programs in Library and Information Management in India and abroad. Dr. Sharma has also done Master of Arts (M.A.) in political science from Rajasthan University, Jaipur and Diploma in International Law from University of Delhi.
Dr. R. K. Sharma has so far served the library profession for more than 40 years, of which 25 years are in the UN System and more than 16 years with the national institutions, He has had the unique privilege of working with various libraries attached to some of the most prestigious academic, research, and international organizations. He started his career with the Delhi University Library System (DULS) where he worked as Professional Assistant from 14 April 1977 to 15 Dec 1986. Later he joined the National Institute of Public Finance & Policy (Ministry of Finance, Government of India), New Delhi where he worked as Librarian from 16th Dec 1986 to 25th June 1995. This was followed by his current position as the Librarian of the United Nations Information Centre for India & Bhutan located in New Delhi where he is serving since 26th June 1995 till date. He has also served as Expert/Viva Voce Examiner for Ph.D. (Library & Information Science) at Banasthali Vidyapith (deemed university), Rajasthan, India.
United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan
UN Information Centres are located in 63 countries worldwide and link the United Nations with people around the world, disseminating global UN messages to local audiences. The Centres serve as a reliable source of up-to-date information about the UN, delivering information in their respective countries to a wide range of people, including elected representatives, government officials, media persons, civil society representatives, students, educators, and researchers. UNIC New Delhi services India and Bhutan.
Books (Authored/Edited/Compiled)
1. Co-Editor- Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship. New Delhi, 2019. 492p
2. Co-Editor- Transforming Dimensions of IPR: Challenges for New Age Libraries. National Law University, Delhi, 2015. 600p.
3. Co-Editor- From Brick to Click: Transforming Libraries into Social Spaces. Synergy, Delhi, 2014. 491p.
4. Co-Editor- ICT Based Information Management in Indian Libraries. Bookwell, Delhi, 2012. 444p.
5. Editor- Managing Information, Knowledge and Power in the Cyber Age. Bookwell, Delhi, 2004. 286p.
6. Compiler- University of Delhi Research in Library & Information Science: A Bibliographical Survey published jointly by Department of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi and NASSDOC (ICSSR), New Delhi, 1987. 308p.
Articles Contributed to Journals/Conferences/Seminars
1. Library of Congress Classification (LCC): Past, Present, and its Future in the Digital Era. Annals of Library and Information Studies 2017, 64 (3), pp. 190-201 (jointly by Salman Haider)
2. New Choices for Bibliographic Services in a Wired Planet: Reflections on the National Library of India. Library Hearld, 44(2), June 2006, p160-73
3. Digital Libraries: Development and Challenges. The Library Review, 50(1&2), 2001, p10-16 (jointly by Prof. K.R. Vishwanathan).
4. New and Innovative Measures in Special Libraries. In. C.P.Vashishth, ed. Library and Information Technology: In Pursuit of Excellence. ILA Seminar Papers, 1992. Delhi, ILA, 1992, p55-62
5. Computer in Library & Information Activities at NIPFP: An Overview. In. C.P.Vashishth, ed. Library & Information Services in India: Assessment and Effectiveness. ILA Seminar Papers, 1988. Delhi, ILA, 1989, p206-219 (jointly by Dinesh Chand Sharma)
6. Research Work at Post Graduate Level in Library & Information Science: Dissertation study of Delhi University and Punjab University. Annals of Library Science and Documentation, 34(3), 1987, p119-124 (jointly by Shailendra Kumar)
Papers Contributed to Books
1. United Nations Information System: An Overview of Information Resources. In. R.G. Prasher, ed. Library and Information Science: Parameters and Perspectives. 2 Vols. New Delhi, Concept Publishing Co., 1997, p175-192
2. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Library: A Profile. In. B.M. Gupta and M. Taher, ed. Handbook of Libraries, Archives & Information Centres in India. V.14. New Delhi, Segment Books, 1996, p289-299
3. Resource Sharing: Computing Infrastructure and Network. In. D.D. Chaturvedi, ed. Academic Libraries. Delhi, Anmol Pub., 1994, p183-195
4. Personnel Problems in Special Libraries: Some Observations. In. R.G. Prasher, ed. Personnel Problems in Indian Libraries. Delhi, Medallion Press, 1994, p120-124
12/14.12.2019 (Forthcoming) - Institutional partner in the International Conference (NGL-2019) on ‘Next Generation Libraries’, to be organized by National Institute of Technology, Rourkela on 12-14 December 2019.
22/24.11.2019 (Forthcoming) - Institutional partner in the International Conference (I-LIPS) on ‘Empowering Libraries with Emerging Technologies for Common Sustainable Future’, to be organized by the DLIS, B B Ambedkar University, Lucknow on 22-24 Nov. 2019.
6/7.09.2018 - Institutional partner in the International Conference on ‘Gender Equality through the Strategy of Gender Mainstreaming’, organized by Presidency University, Bengaluru during 6-7 Sept. 2018.
08.02.2018 - Institutional partner in the two-day National Conference on ‘Changing Digital Landscape in SMART Environment’, organized by Ansal University, Gurgaon in collaboration with UNIC on 8-9 February 2018.
07.03.2017 - To mark the International Women’s Day, organized a Seminar on “Agenda 2030 – Expanding the Knowledge Frontier” (in collaboration with Maulana Azad Library of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), UN-WOMEN & AMU’s Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies) on 7th March 2017, at the Cultural Hall, Maulana Azad Library, AMU, Aligarh.
9/10.12.2016 - Institutional partner in the two-day Librarian Development Programme (LDP) on ‘New Skills for Library Professionals in the Digital Age’, organized by INMANTEC Institutions in collaboration with MANLIBNET and UNIC for India and Bhutan on 9th-10th December 2016.
16.09.2016 - Organized an interactive discussion on ‘The Environment: Challenges and Opportunities of E-Resources’ (in collaboration with NASSDOC, ICSSR & DLA) on 16 September 2016, at UN Conference Hall, New Delhi.
28.08.2016 - Institutional partner in the ‘Reginal Human Rights Seminar’ organized by the Society for Social Development and People’s Action (SDPA), on August 27, 2016, at Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi.
12.08.2016 - Organized 14th Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Memorial lecture on the occasion of 125th Birth Anniversary Year 2016-2017 jointly by DLA, RRC, ILA, Dr. PSG Kumar Library Foundation, IASLIC, RSSWLD, AMLA, SLP, AWL and LPA, on 12 August 2016 at DLA Ranganathan Bhawan, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
23.06.2016 - Organized a Book Discussion on the book titled ‘Public Library Service in NCT of Delhi: Present Status and Development Plan 2010-2020’authored by Prof. P.B. Mangla & published by Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, in a jointly organized book discussion by Delhi Library Association (DLA), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and the Association of Media Libraries and Archives (AMLA) on 23 June 2016, at JNU library.
04.03.2016 - Organized one-day Seminar on ‘SDGs: Gender Equality: Role of Women in Knowledge Sharing' (in collaboration with the Association of Women Librarians, Association of Media Libraries and Archives, Society for Library Professionals and Delhi Library Association) on 4 March 2016, at UN Conference Hall, New Delhi.
19.02.2016 - Organized one-day Seminar on ‘'Impact of Technology on Art and Culture: Managing Libraries and Archives' (in collaboration with the Ashoka University) on 19 February 2016, at the Ashoka University Campus in Sonipat, Haryana.
11.07.2019 - Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Use of UN Information Resources in Legislative Libraries’ organized by Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training (BPST), Lok Sabha Secretariat at Parliament Library for the officials providing Research, Reference, Information and Library Services in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Secretaries, on 11 July 2019.
08.06.2019 - Delivered lecture to the participants of the Refresher Course in Library and Information Science on the topic ‘Smart Libraries and SDGs’ conducted by the Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), UGC-HRDC, University of Delhi, on 8 June 2019, at CPDHE, University of Delhi.
19.04.2019 - Delivered Welcome Address in the 3rd DLA-SRFLIS SUMMIT 2019 International Conference on ‘Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship’ organized by DLA and SRFLIS, 19-20 April 2019, at Conference Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi.
12.04.2019 - Chaired Panel Discussion on ‘Role of Libraries in Socio, Cultural & Economic Development’ in the seminar organized by IGNCA and Asian Library Association, 12 April 2019, at IGNCA Auditorium, New Delhi
10.03.2019 - Preside over the DLA foundation day function and Prof. Das Gupta Memorial Lecture organized by Delhi Library Association, 10 Mar 2019, at Ranganathan Bhawan, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
29.11.2018 - Chaired first technical session on 'Open Data, Open Access & Innovation Management' in the 'International Conference on Digital Transformation: Preservation, Policy and Privacy', organized by National Law University Delhi, 29 Nov. - 01 Dec. 2018 at the campus of National Law University Delhi, Dwarka.
18.11.2018 - Preside over the function during 7th Prof. P.N. Kaula Memorial Lecture organized by Delhi Library Association, on 18 Nov 2018 at Ranganathan Bhawan, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
16.09.2018 - Delivered a talk and chaired technical session in the National Seminar on ‘Transformation of Society by Strengthening Library Resources and Services’ organized by Madhya Pradesh Library Association on 16 Sept. 2018 at Reginal Institute of Education, Bhopal.
6/7.09.2018 - Guest of Honour in the Valedictory Session of the ‘International Conference on Gender Equality through the Strategy of Gender Mainstreaming’ organized by Presidency University in collaboration with UNIC and supported by UN Women held on 6-7 September 2018 at Presidency University, Bengaluru
27.03.2018 - Chaired a technical session in the DeLCON National Seminar on 'Role of Libraries and Librarians in Knowledge Society', on 27 March 2018 at National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Manesar, Gurugram.
15.03.2018 - Delivered 4th Departmental Lecture on ‘Emerging Trends in Libraries and Library Services’, organized by Department of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi.
24.02.2018 - Panelist in a panel discussion on ‘Setting Up and Reenergizing Public Libraries
In Rural India’ in a programme at National Panchayat Book Fair and Sarpanch Samagam, organized by National Book Trust, on 24-28 February 2018 at Srinagar (Uttarakhand).
23.02.2018 - Chaired a technical session in the International Symposium on ‘Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services’, organized by Bennett University, Greater Noida, on 21-23February 2018.
08.02.2018 - Guest of Honour at the two-day National Conference on ‘Changing Digital Landscape in SMART Environment’, organized by Ansal University, Gurgaon in collaboration with UNIC on 8-9 February 2018.
15/16.12.2017 - Chaired technical session II in the I-KOAL 2017 on 'Transformation Through Electronic Information Resources for Digital Society', jointly organized by Goa University & Library Professionals Association, on 15-16 December 2017 at Conference Hall, Goa University.
23.11.2017 - Resource person at International Conference on ‘Sustainable Development for Library & Information Science’, organized by B.B. Ambedkar University and Indian Library Association, on 23 November at Ambedkar University, Lucknow.
28.10.2017 - Chaired a technical session on ‘The Expanding Digital Footprints through Library Consortium’ in the 2nd International Conference of Asian Libraries (ICAL 2017), organized by Jamia Millia Islamia University Library and Asian Library Association, on 28 Oct. 2017 at Jamia Millia Islamia Univ. Campus, New Delhi.
16.09.2017 - Panellist in a panel discussion on “Do Interactive E-Books Effectively Lead to Self-learning" in the International Conference on 'Innovation in Library Services, Technology and Resources - Current Trend in Libraries Globally', organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida and MANLIBNET, on 16 September 2017 at Jaipuria Inst. of Management, Noida.
06.09.2017 - Delivered lecture on ‘Use of UN Information Resources in Legislative Libraries’ organized by Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training, Lok Sabha Secretariat at Parliament Library for the officials providing Research, Reference, Information and Library Services in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Secretaries, on 6 Sept. 2017.
12.08.2017 - Delivered welcome address in the 15th Dr S R Ranganathan Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr Majumdar, organized by Delhi Library Association, on 12th August 2017 at Ranganathan Bhawan, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
09.08.2017 - Chaired a session on 'Collaborative Models of Digital Licensing: Collective Rights' in a one-day seminar on ‘Digital Licencing: Smart Decisions for Smart Libraries’, organized by NLU, JNU, IASLIC and SLP, on 9 August 2017, at National Law University, Dwarka, New Delhi.
2/4.08.2017 - Co-chaired a session on 'Research Data and Knowledge Management' in the 11th International CALIBER 2017 on 'Re-Envisioning Role of Libraries: Transforming Scholarly Communication', organized by Anna University and INFLIBNET, on 2-4 August 2017 at Anna University, Chennai.
14.07.2017 - Delivered Chief Guest address in a three-day National Workshop on 'Open Source Software Koha & D- Space Training and Certification' organized by INMANTEC Institutions in collaboration with RSSWLD and DLA, on 14 July 2017 at INMANTEC, Ghaziabad.
10.3.2017 - Delivered Welcome address at the 19th Prof. S. Dasgupta Memorial Lecture coinciding with 79th Foundation Day, on 10 March 2017, Ranganathan Bhawan, Naraina Vihar, N D
22.02.2017 - Panelist in a Panel Discussion on 'Changing Role of Media Libraries & Archives in meeting the Information Needs for 24x7 News Service' in the International Seminar on 'New and Innovative Library & Information Services' organized by JNU, AMLA and IFLA, on 22 Feb. 2017 at JNU Convention Centre, New Delhi
13/16.12.17 - Co-chaired two sessions on 'Digital convergence at the bottom of the pyramid' and 'Role of information in meeting SDGs" in the International Conference on Digital Libraries ICDL 2016- SMART FUTURE KNOWLEDGE TRENDS THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, organized by TERI, New Delhi, on 13-16 Dec. 2016, at IHC, Lodi Road, New Delhi
23.11.2016 - Chaired a technical session in the National Conference on ‘Building Digital India: Enhancing Capacities through Libraries and Information’, organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College Library (Univ. of Delhi) and Asian Library Association, on 23 November 2016, at IIC auditorium, New Delhi.
19.11.2016 - Delivered welcome address in the lecture by Ms Chandra Sri Ram (grandniece of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan and Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, London), organized by the Delhi Library Association in collaboration with RRC, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science & National Museum in connection with the 125th birth anniversary of Prof. S.R. Ranganathan, on 19 November 2016 at National Museum Auditorium, New Delhi.
12.11.2016 - Chief Guest in the Annual Library Day function and delivered the Annual Library Day Lecture on “Role of Libraries for Sustainable Future”, on 12 November 2016 at Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
9/11.11.2016 - Co-chaired technical session I in the convention for PLANNER 2016 on 'Disruptive Innovations for Libraries: Adopt, Adapt and Evolve', organized by INFLIBNET and NEHU, Shillong, on 9/10 November 2016. Also visited Resource Centres of the UN in the Guwahati on 11 November 2016 and delivered a talk on the 'How to find and use of UN Information Resources' organized by UNA Assam at District Library, Guwahati.
08.08.2016 - Panelist in a panel discussion on "Now or Never : Making Connections, Collaboration and Services the hallmark of Libraries and Information Centres", organised during a seminar on "Reinventing Libraries for the New Generation of Library Users" on 8 August 2016 at DELNET, JNU Campus, New Delhi.
21.07.2016 - Presided in an inaugural function of a training programme on ‘Customer Service in Library’ on 27 July 2016, organized by Delhi Public Library, Chandni Chowk, Delhi. (Trainers: Ms Amarjeet Gill & Ms Valrie Siew form National Library Board of Singapore)
24.05.2016 - Invitee in the Committee for setting up the library in Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra, organized by MEA on 24 May 2016, at MEA, South Block, New Delhi.
19.05.2016 - Panelist in a discussion on ‘E-books Accelerating- Will Print Books Disappear’ in the 5th International Library & Information Professionals Summit (LIPS) 2016 on ‘From Ownership to Access Leveraging the Digital Paradigm’, organized by the Ambedkar University in association with SLP and SLA-Asian Chapter on 19-20 May 2016, at Ambedkar University,
12.05.2016 - Special Invitee in the Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor to review the DULS, at Delhi University, Delhi.
09.05.2016 - Invitee in a National Convention on New Education Policy, organized by IGNCA and IASLIC, at IGNCA, New Delhi.
23.04.2016 Preside over Prof. Girja Kumar’s Book Release function, organized by the Delhi Library Association, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
21.04.2016 - Special Invitee at the Committee to review the DULS on 21 April 2016, at DULS, Delhi.
19.04.2016 - Chief Guest in an Annual Day function, organized by the Department of Library and Information Science and Delhi University Library Science Student Association on 19 April 2016, at Tagore Hall, Tutorial Building, Delhi University.
18.04.2016 - Chief Guest at the Library Professional Development programme, organized by INMANTEC, Ghaziabad.
14/16.4.2016 - Chaired the technical session 3.2 in an International Seminar on ‘Digital Governance Innovation, Information and Libraries’, organized by IIM Indore and ASIALA on 14-16 April, at the campus of IIM Indore.
08.01.2016 - Chaired one session in an International Seminar organized by the Society for Library Professionals on 8 January 2016, at Constitutional Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.
Dr. Sharma is a member of various national and international professional associations. He has also served as Chair – Editorial Board, SLA- Asian Chapter. Under his chairmanship, two issues of SLA Asian Chapter News were published and launched on time on the SLA website. He has served as an Associate Editor of the DLA’s journal Library Hearld and presently on its advisory board. Presently, he is holding positions of President of the Delhi Library Association; Director, SLA Asian Chapter; Member Selection Committee for Tagore National Fellow (Min. of Culture); Member, Delhi Library Board (Min. of Culture); Member, Governing Board, Delhi University Library System; and Member, Governing Body of Ramanujan College (Delhi University).
Life Member
1. Asian Library Association (ASIALA)
2. Association of Media Libraries and Archives (AMLA)
3. Delhi Library Association (DLA)
4. Indian Library Association (ILA)
5. Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET)
6. Madhya Pradesh Library Association (MPLA)
1. Fulbright Alumni Association
2. Society for Library Professionals (SLP)
3. Special Library Association- Asian Chapter (SLA), USA
4. Library Professionals Association (LPA)
Associate Member
1. India International Centre, New Delhi
2. India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi
1. Expert on several selection committees for the selection of library professionals
2. Expert on national selection committee for two years (1995-1996) for selecting Fulbright Scholars to USA in the field of Information Science and Technology
3. Expert Member of national organizing committees for several international/national seminars & conferences
4. Chair/Speaker/Organizing Secretary of several seminars/conferences/workshops organized by UNIC and other organizations on major global issues and managing libraries
5. Advisory services to a number of libraries including UN depository libraries in India to increase their ability in handling of UN documents and e-resources
1. President of the Delhi Library Association
2. Director, SLA (USA)- Asian Chapter
3. Member, National Selection Committee, Tagore National Fellowship (Min. of Culture)
4. Member, Delhi Library Board (Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
5. Member, Governing Board & Chairman Finance Committee of Arya Bhatta College (Delhi University)
1. Chairman for the recruitment of Consultant (Library) at ICAR- Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture (Nov. 2018)
2. Member, Governing Board of Ramanujan College (Delhi University)
3. Member, Governing Board, Delhi University Library System (2017-2018)
4. Vice-President of the Delhi Library Association (2013-2015)
5. Chair-Editorial Committee, Special Library Association (USA)- Asian Chapter (2012)
6. Member of the Advisory Editorial Board, Library Hearld (A journal of DLA) (2013-2015)
7. Associate Editor, Library Hearld (A journal of DLA) (2005-2012)
8. Member of the Executive Board, Delhi Library Association (2005-2007); (2007-2009); (2011-2013)
9. Secretary of the Delhi Library Association (2004-2005)
1. Expert/Viva Voce Examiner for Ph.D (Library & Information Science) at Banasthali Vidyapith (deemed univ.), Rajasthan
2. Member of the National Selection Committee constituted by the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India to consider the proposal for award of Tagore National Fellowship (Archives & Libraries)
3. Special Invitee to the Library Review Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor to review the Delhi University Library System, Delhi University
4. Expert on selection committee (2013) for selecting Librarian/Deputy Librarian/ Assistant Librarian in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
5. Member of the Committee constituted by the Ministry of External Affairs for setting up a new library for the Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra
Dr. R. K. Sharma has widely traveled for his professional assignments in Library and Information Science. He has visited countries Canada, Italy, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, and the United States. As a Fulbright Scholar, he was trained at the Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts in 1993.
Dr. R. K. Sharma has been honored with many awards for his contributions to the profession of librarianship, some notable ones are listed below:
1. Received grant from NIPFP for attending a three months course on ‘New Information Technologies and Computerized Library Services’ organized by LRDC of AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok, Thailand. (August 31, 1992, to November 20, 1992)
2. Received UGC Visiting Fellowship for delivering lectures at the Dept. of Library & Information Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour (Central) University, Sagar, India. (March 1, 1993, to March 15, 1993).
3. Received British Council grant for visiting important libraries in the United Kingdom. (March 1, 1994, to March 15, 1994).
4. Recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship in Library & Information Management at Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College, Boston, USA. For practical training, I had worked for one month each to the libraries of Harvard University; John F. Kennedy School of Government, MIT and Boston University, USA. (June 13, 1993, to February 28, 1994).
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Simmons College, Boston, USA |
5. DLA-Shanta Vashist Outstanding Library Leadership Award 2018; Life Time Achievement Award-2018; Distinguished Service Award-2018.
6. Recipient of Indian Library Leaders: SRFLIS-Professional Excellence Award-2014 by the Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (2015)
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R K Sharma receiving SRFLIS Professional Excellence Award-2014 |
7. Distinguished Service Award on 15th September 2018 by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, SCC online and Symbiosis Law School during Librarian Leadership Summit at Symbiosis Law School, Noida
8. Life Time Achievement Award on 16th September 2108 by the Madhya Pradesh Library Association in the one-day ‘National Seminar on Transformation of Society by Strengthening Library Resources and Services’at Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal
9. Vishwa Laxmi Best Management Librarian Award on 5th October 2018 by the INMANTEC Institutions in the three-day ‘National Workshop on Open Source Software KOHA & DSPACE’at Inmantec Institutions, Ghaziabad.
10. Lifetime Achievement Award conferred by the Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Patiala (2019)
- E-mail: sharma.unic@gmail.com & sharma23@un.org
- Mobile: +91 9911307799
- Address: Librarian, United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan, 55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi- 110 003, India
- Delhi Library Association, "About President," http://www.dlaindia.in/about-president/ (accessed April 2019).
- United Nations in India, "United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)," http://in.one.un.org/who-we-are/unic-india/ (accessed April 2019).
Article Title
- R. K. Sharma
- Salman Haider
Website Name
- Librarianship Studies & Information Technology
- https://www.librarianshipstudies.com/2019/04/r-k-sharma.html
Last Updated
- July 13, 2019
Original Published Date
- April 19, 2019
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