Indicators and Subfield Codes
Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.
Character Positions 18-22 - Undefined (006/01-05) # - Undefined 23 - Form of item (006/06) # - None of the following a - Microfilm b - Microfiche c - Microopaque d - Large print f - Braille o - Online q - Direct electronic r - Regular print reproduction s - Electronic | - No attempt to code 24-34 - Undefined (006/07-17) # - Undefined |
Mixed materials definition of field 008/18-34 is used when Leader/06 (Type of record) contains code p (Mixed material). Field 008 positions 01-17 and 35-39 are defined the same in all 008 fields and are described in the 008-All materials section.
Field 008/18-34 correspond to equivalent positionally defined data elements in field 006/01-17 when field 006/00 (Form of material) contains code p (Mixed material). Details about specific codes defined for the equivalent character positions in field 006 and 008 for mixed materials are provided in the Guidelines for Applying Content Designators section of 008-Mixed materials only.
18-22 - Undefined (006/01-05)
Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
23 - Form of item (006/06)
One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material for the item.
# - None of the following
Not specified by one of the other codes.
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
008/23 | b | ||||||||
300 | ##$a1 microfiche ;$c10 x 15 cm. |
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
008/23 | d | ||||||||
250 | ##$aLarge print ed. |
f - Braille
o - Online
The resource is accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.
q - Direct electronic
Storage on a directly accessible tangible recording medium, e.g. disc, tape, playaway device, flashdrive, portable hard drive, etc. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.
r - Regular print reproduction
Eye-readable print, such as a photocopy.
008/23 | r | ||||||||
500 | ##$aPhoto-reproduction of 1963 edition. |
s - Electronic
Intended for manipulation by a computer. May reside in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely, in some cases requiring the use of peripheral devices attached to the computer (e.g., a CD-ROM player). Not used for items that do not require the use of a computer (e.g., music compact discs, videodiscs). This code can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource. Codes o and q may be used if there is a need to separately identify online and direct electronic resources.
| - No attempt to code
24-34 - Undefined (006/07-17)
Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.
Field length - Field 008 should always consist of forty (40) character positions.
- This article is a Stub. It will be expanded to achieve the level of a proper encyclopedia article.
- Library of Congress. MARC Standards (accessed October 12, 2017)
- Salman Haider - Librarian Cataloger Blogger
- Written: 2015-10-12
- Help us improve this article! Contact us with your feedback.
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