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008 - Books (NR)


Indicators and Subfield Codes

Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.
Character Positions
18-21 - Illustrations (006/01-04)
# - No illustrations
a - Illustrations
b - Maps
c - Portraits
d - Charts
e - Plans
f - Plates
g - Music
h - Facsimiles
i - Coats of arms
j - Genealogical tables
k - Forms
l - Samples
m - Phonodisc, phonowire, etc.
o - Photographs
p - Illuminations
| - No attempt to code
22 - Target audience (006/05)
# - Unknown or not specified
a - Preschool
b - Primary
c - Pre-adolescent
d - Adolescent
e - Adult
f - Specialized
g - General
j - Juvenile
| - No attempt to code
23 - Form of item (006/06)
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
o - Online
q - Direct electronic
r - Regular print reproduction
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
24-27 - Nature of contents (006/07-10)
# - No specified nature of contents
a - Abstracts/summaries
b - Bibliographies
c - Catalogs
d - Dictionaries
e - Encyclopedias
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles
i - Indexes
j - Patent document
k - Discographies
l - Legislation
m - Theses
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
o - Reviews
p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies
r - Directories
s - Statistics
t - Technical reports
u - Standards/specifications
v - Legal cases and case notes
w - Law reports and digests
y - Yearbooks
z - Treaties
2 - Offprints
5 - Calendars
6 - Comics/graphic novels
| - No attempt to code
28 - Government publication (006/11)
# - Not a government publication
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
c - Multilocal
f - Federal/national
i - International intergovernmental
l - Local
m - Multistate
o - Government publication-level undetermined
s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
u - Unknown if item is government publication
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
29 - Conference publication (006/12)
0 - Not a conference publication
1 - Conference publication
| - No attempt to code
30 - Festschrift (006/13)
0 - Not a festschrift
1 - Festschrift
| - No attempt to code
31 - Index (006/14)
0 - No index
1 - Index present
| - No attempt to code
32 - Undefined (006/15)
33 - Literary form (006/16)
0 - Not fiction (not further specified)
1 - Fiction (not further specified)
d - Dramas
e - Essays
f - Novels
h - Humor, satires, etc.
i - Letters
j - Short stories
m - Mixed forms
p - Poetry
s - Speeches
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
34 - Biography (006/17)
# - No biographical material
a - Autobiography
b - Individual biography
c - Collective biography
d - Contains biographical information
| - No attempt to code


Books definition of field 008/18-34 is used when Leader/06 (Type of record) contains code a (Language material) or t (Manuscript language material) and Leader/07 (Bibliographic level) contains code a (Monographic component part), c (Collection), d (Subunit), or m (Monograph). Field 008 positions 01-17 and 35-39 are defined the same in all 008 fields and are described in the 008-All materials section.
Field 008/18-34 correspond to equivalent positionally defined data elements in field 006/01-17 when field 006/00 (Form of material) contains code a (Language material) or t (Manuscript language material). Details about specific codes defined for the equivalent character positions in field 006 and 008 for books are provided in the Guidelines for Applying Content Designators section of 008-Books only.



18-21 - Illustrations (006/01-04)
Up to four (4) one-character alphabetic codes (recorded in alphabetical order)that indicate the presence of types of illustrations in the item. If fewer than four alphabetic codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#).
Represented by field 008 or 006 with a books configuration. Information for this character position is usually derived from terms in field 300 (Physical Description). If more than four codes are appropriate to an item, only the first four are recorded.
# - No illustrations
Work does not contain illustrations. When # is used in 008/18, it is always followed by three other blanks in 008/19-21.
a - Illustrations
Types of illustrations not covered by any of the more specific codes are coded using code a.
b - Maps
Used when the term map or maps is present in field 300.
c - Portraits
Used when the term port. or ports. is present in field 300.
d - Charts
Used when the term chart or charts is present in field 300.
e - Plans
Used when the term plan or plans is present in field 300.
f - Plates
Used when the term plate or plates is present in field 300.
g - Music
Used when the term music is present in field 300.
h - Facsimiles
Used when the term facsim. or facsims. is present in field 300.
i - Coats of arms
Used when the term coat of arms or coats of arms is present in field 300.
j - Genealogical tables
Used when the term geneal. table or geneal. tables is present in field 300. The presence of the term table or tables alone mandates the use of code a.
k - Forms
Used when the term form or forms is present in field 300.
l - Samples
Used when the term sample or samples is present in field 300.
m - Phonodisc, phonowire, etc.
Used, on current records, when the following terms are present in field 300: sound disc, sound cartridge, sound tape reel, sound cassette, roll, and cylinder. On older records, code m is used for any term beginning with phono, e.g., phonodisc.
o - Photographs
Used when the term photo. or photos. is present in field 300. If the photographs are of minor importance code a (Illustrations) may be used.
p - Illuminations
300##$a271 p. :$bill. ;$c21 cm.
300##$a246 p., 32 p. of plates ;$c26 cm.
300##$bill., maps (in pocket)
300##$bill., plates, ports.
300##$bill., charts, facsim., music, ports.
300##$a367 p. ;$c23 cm.
[no illustrations in the item]
| - No attempt to code

22 - Target audience (006/05)
One-character alphabetic code that describes the intellectual level of the target audience for which the material is intended.
When items with factual content are considered appropriate for more than one target audience, the code is recorded for the primary target audience. If the record has both reading grade level and interest age or interest grade level information present in the 521 (Target Audience Note) field, 008/22 is coded based on the interest age.
# - Unknown or not specified
Target audience for which the material is intended is unknown or is not specified.
24502$aA Consumer's guide to auto repair costs.
a - Preschool
Intended for children, approximate ages 0-5 years.
b - Primary
Intended for children, approximate ages 6-8 years.
c - Pre-adolescent
Intended for young people, approximate ages 9-13.
d - Adolescent
Intended for young people, approximate ages 14-17.
e - Adult
Intended for adults.
f - Specialized
Aimed at a particular audience and the nature of the presentation would make the item of little interest to other audiences. Examples of items which are coded f include: 1) technical material geared to a specialized audience, and 2) items which address a limited audience; for example, the employees of a single organization.
24510$aMARC for library use.
g - General
Of general interest and not aimed at a particular target audience. The code is used for most fictional works that are not covered more appropriately by one of the other codes.
24510$aLetter from Peking :$ba novel.
j - Juvenile
Intended for use by children and young people, approximate ages 0-15. The code is used when a more specific code for the juvenile target audience is not desired.
650#0$aGrizzly bear$xJuvenile literature.
24500$aSaturday morning heroes ...
| - No attempt to code

23 - Form of item (006/06)
One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material for the item.
# - None of the following
Not specified by one of the other codes.
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
300##$a1 microfiche ;$c10 x 15 cm.
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
250##$aLarge print ed.
f - Braille
o - Online
The resource is accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.
q - Direct electronic
Storage on a directly accessible tangible recording medium, e.g. disc, tape, playaway device, flashdrive, portable hard drive, etc. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.
r - Regular print reproduction
Eye-readable print, such as a photocopy.
500##$aPhoto-reproduction of 1963 edition.
s - Electronic
Intended for manipulation by a computer. The item may reside in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely, in some cases requiring the use of peripheral devices attached to the computer (e.g., a CD-ROM player). This code is not used for items that do not require the use of a computer (e.g., music compact discs, videodiscs). This code can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource. Codes o and q may be used if there is a need to separately identify online and direct electronic resources.
| - No attempt to code
Use of this code is discouraged since form of item information is often used in retrieval and duplicate detection.

24-27 - Nature of contents (006/07-10)
Up to four one-character codes that indicate whether a significant part of the item is or contains certain types of material. If fewer than four codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#).
Information for these character positions is usually derived from other areas of the bibliographic record (e.g., field 245 (Title Statement), 5XX (Note) fields, or 6XX (Subject Added Entry) fields). Up to four codes may be recorded. If more than four codes are appropriate to an item, the four most significant are selected.
# - No specified nature of contents
When # is used in 008/24, it is followed by three other blanks.
24514$aThe responsibilities of leadership /$c ...
[No special nature of contents given]
a - Abstracts/summaries
Abstracts or summaries of other publications. Not used when a publication includes an abstract or summary of its own content.
b - Bibliographies
All or part of an item is a bibliography or bibliographies. Used only if the bibliography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. Note: Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code n, code b is not used when code n is present.
504##$aBibliography: p. 104-177.c - Catalogs
c - Catalogs
Also includes lists of collectible objects, such as stamps and coins, or trade catalogs, etc. For catalogs of books, sound recordings, or motion pictures, code b (Bibliographies), code k (Discographies), or code q (Filmographies), are given with code c.
d - Dictionaries
Also used for a glossary or a gazetteer.
Concordances are coded as Indexes (code i). Monographic biographical dictionaries are coded as collected biography (code c) in 008/34 (Biography) rather than as a dictionary here.
24510$aDictionnaire de la langue québécoise.
e - Encyclopedias
Encyclopedia or an encyclopedic treatment of a specific topic.
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles
Contains substantive articles on legal topics, such as those published in law school reviews.
24510$aLaws of the land interpreted :$bcompendium of contemporary law with analyses and commentary /$cedited by ...
i - Indexes
Index to bibliographical material other than itself.
Not used when a publication contains an index to its own content.
j - Patent document
Detailed description of an invention or discovery of a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or improvements thereof. A patent document may be one of several kinds of documents: a patent or similar document (e.g., inventor's certificate), a patent application (domestic, foreign, priority application, etc.), or a continuation/division of one of the above.
k - Discographies
Entire item, or a significant part of it, is a discography or discographies, or other bibliography of recorded sound. Used only if the discography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For discographies that are also catalogs, both code k and code c are given.
504##$aBibliography: p. 80-84.
504##$aDiscography: p. 85-97.
504##$aFilmography: p. 98-101.
l - Legislation
Full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies, published either in statute or in code form, or texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.
m - Theses
Thesis, dissertation, or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
Composed entirely of authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject.
Usually contains a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography. Note: Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code n, code b (Bibliographies) should not be recorded when code n is present.
o - Reviews
Devoted entirely to critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater).
p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies
Entire item, or a significant part of it, is a filmography or other bibliography of moving images. Used only if the filmography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For filmographies that are also catalogs, both code q and code c (Catalogs) are given.
504##$aBibliography: p. 80-84.
504##$aDiscography: p. 85-97.
504##$aFilmography: p. 98-101.
r - Directories
Directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Monographic biographical dictionaries are coded as collected biography (code c) in 008/34 (Biography) rather than as a directory here.
s - Statistics
Entire item, or a significant part of it, is a collection of statistical data on a subject. Not used for works about statistical methodology.
t - Technical reports
Work that is the result of scientific investigation or technical development, testing, or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.
u - Standards/specifications
Either an international, national or industry standard or a specification which gives a precise statement of a process or a service requirement.
v - Legal cases and case notes
Discussions, such as those in the case comments section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by, or that are pending before, courts or administrative agencies.
w - Law reports and digests
Texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies. Also used when a work consists of texts of digests of such decisions.
y - Yearbooks
Reference publication issued on an annual or less frequent basis that contains articles summarizing the accomplishments or events of a particular year within a specific discipline or area of endeavor. Annual reports, which are administrative overviews of an organization, are not coded here.
z - Treaties
Treaty or accord negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.
2 - Offprints
Publication that originally was published as an article in a monograph or a serial and that is also issued separately and independently. Includes preprints and postprints.
5 - Calendars
Published systems of organizing days. These may be academic calendars or almanacs, calendars published by bodies, such as labor organizations, library associations, etc.
6 - Comics/graphic novels
Instances of "sequential art" in which a story (whether fact or fiction) is told primarily through a set of images (often in the form of multiple "panels" per page) presented concurrently but meant to be "read" sequentially by the viewer. The accompanying narrative and/or dialog text, when it occurs, works integrally with the images to tell the story.
| - No attempt to code

28 - Government publication (006/11)
One-character code that indicates whether or not the item is published or produced by or for an international, national, state, provincial, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body.
Also describes the jurisdictional level of the government agency associated with the item. A government body and all its subdivisions are treated as government bodies regardless of how they may be entered as headings (i.e., entered under jurisdiction or not). In the bibliographic record, the body does not have to be a main or added entry, but it should be named as publisher, etc. in the publication, distribution, etc. area, or have caused the item to be published (usually inferred when the governmental body is responsible for the content of the work). Use a code that corresponds to the status of the jurisdiction at the time the item was published. When in doubt, treat the item as a government publication.
Guidelines for certain types of publications
  • Socialist countries- Since the coding of all items published in socialist countries as government publications would limit the usefulness of this element, coding should be used only for the same type of bodies that would be considered government in a non-socialist country. In coding items in this manner, when in doubt, treat the item as a government publication.
  • Two levels- If an item is published or produced jointly by government agencies at two different levels, record the code for the higher government level.
  • Academic publications- In the U.S., items published by academic institutions are considered government publications if the institutions are created or controlled by a government.
# - Not a government publication
Not published by or for a government body.
1102#$aInternational Comparative Literature Association.
260##$aNew York :$bMacmillan,$c1983.
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
Published or produced by or for a government body of an autonomous or semi-autonomous component of a country.
c - Multilocal
Published or produced by or for a multilocal jurisdiction which is defined as a regional combination of jurisdictions below the state level.
1102#$aHouston Independent School District.
f - Federal/national
Published or produced by or for a federal or national government body (e.g., a sovereign nation, such as Canada). Used for the governments of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Also used for American Indian tribes.
1102#$aNational Agricultural Library.
i - International intergovernmental
Published or produced by or for an international intergovernmental body.
1102#$aUnited Nations.$bSecretary-General.
l - Local
Published or produced by or for a local government jurisdiction such as a town, city, county, etc.
1101#$aMexico City (Mexico)
m - Multistate
Published or produced by or for a regional combination of jurisdictions at the state, provincial, territorial, etc. level.
1102#$aCouncil of State Governments.
o - Government publication-level undetermined
Published or produced by or for a government body but that the jurisdictional level cannot be determined.
s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
Jurisdictional level of the government body is a state, province, territory, or other dependent jurisdiction.
u - Unknown if item is government publication
z - Other
None of the other defined codes are appropriate.
| - No attempt to code

29 - Conference publication (006/12)
One-character code that indicates whether the item consists of the proceedings, reports, or summaries of a conference.
The following types are considered to be conference publications:
  • Proceedings, including collections or partial collections of papers (or of contributions, essays, etc., that are based upon papers) presented at a conference or meeting.
  • A partial collection, defined as a work containing two or more papers (or contributions, essays, etc., that are based upon papers) presented at a conference or meeting.
  • A collection of preprints of conference papers.
The following types of publications are not considered conference publications:
  • Works composed of or based on a single paper
  • Hearings of legislative bodies
  • Courses given in a school (except where the main entry is the name of a meeting)
0 - Not a conference publication
24512$aA first course in physics /$cby Robert Andrew Millikan ...
1 - Conference publication
24510$aProceedings of the Third Seminar on Quantum Gravity ...
| - No attempt to code

30 - Festschrift (006/13)
One-character code that indicates whether the item is a festschrift.
Defined as a complimentary or memorial publication usually in the form of a collection of essays, addresses, or biographical, bibliographic, scientific, or other contributions. It often embodies the results of research, issued in honor of a person, an institution, or a society, as a rule, on the occasion of an anniversary celebration. A true festschrift generally mentions the person, institution, or society it commemorates on the chief source of information (i.e., title page). The title of the work may or may not use the word festschrift. Other indications that an item is a festschrift include phrases such as: papers in honor ofin memory ofcommemorating, and their equivalents in foreign languages.
0 - Not a festschrift
24510$aEssays on nuclear physics.
1 - Festschrift
24510$aFoundations of mathematics :$bsymposium papers commemorating the sixtieth birthday of Kurt Gödel.
24510$aFestschrift to honor F. Wilbur Gingrich, lexicographer ...
| - No attempt to code

31 - Index (006/14)
One-character numeric code that indicates whether the item includes an index to its own contents.
Information for this data element is derived from mention of an index in another part of the bibliographic record (e.g, in the title, or in a note).
0 - No index
[No indication of index in bibliographic data]
1 - Index present
500##$aIncludes index.
24514$aThe corporate law of the District of Columbia :$bannotated : with index /$cby Frederick S. Tyler ...
| - No attempt to code

32 - Undefined (006/15)
Contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).

33 - Literary form (006/16)
One-character code used to indicate the literary form of an item. Numeric codes 0 and 1 provide a generic identification of whether or not the item is a work of fiction. Alphabetic codes may be used to identify specific literary forms.
0 - Not fiction (not further specified)
Not a work of fiction and no further identification of the literary form is desired.
1001#$aClarke, Mary,$d1923-
24510$aBallet in art :$bfrom the Renaissance to the present ...
1 - Fiction (not further specified)
Work of fiction but no further identification of the literary form is desired.
1001#$aDalgliesh, Alice,$d1893-
24514$aThe bears on Hemlock Mountain ...
d - Dramas
e - Essays
f - Novels
h - Humor, satires, etc.
Humorous work, satire, or of similar literary form.
i - Letters
Single letter or collection of correspondence.
j - Short stories
Short story or collection of short stories.
m - Mixed forms
Represents a variety of literary forms (e.g., poetry and short stories).
p - Poetry
Poem or collection of poems.
s - Speeches
Speech or collection of speeches.
u - Unknown
Literary form of the item is unknown.
| - No attempt to code

34 - Biography (006/17)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates whether or not an item contains biographical material, and if so, what the biographical characteristics are.
# - No biographical material
No biographical or autobiographical material.
24500$aDictionary of Russian verbs.
a - Autobiography
b - Individual biography
Biography of one individual.
1001#$aDampenon, Philippe.
24510$aMichel Sardou /$cpar Philippe Dampenon.
c - Collective biography
Biographical material about more than one individual.
24510$aUnited States music :$bsources of bibliography and collective biography.
d - Contains biographical information
24500$aCorrespondance inédite de Victor... $bprécédée d'une notice...
| - No attempt to code


Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.
Field length - Field 008 should always consist of forty (40) character positions.

  • This article is a Stub. It will be expanded to achieve the level of a proper encyclopedia article. 

  1. Library of Congress. MARC Standards (accessed October 08, 2017)



  • Written: 2017-10-09


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